
Introductory post

This is an introductory post for this blog. But first, we need to know who a bosslady is before knowing about what the blog is about. Who is a Boss Lady? Mostly, lady bosses at their work place are referred to as " BOSSLADY ". But my own definition of bosslady is a woman who knows what she wants and always goes for it. A woman who help other women up and is respected by all. She gets life done and makes her own money. In such a way that, every other woman wants to be her. She becomes a role model to all.  About this blog. The essence of this blog is to help you become boss ladies by giving you business suggestions and tips. Not only that, you will be offered some business skills class now and then. Here, you as a woman can get to know more about your own body. As a nurse, I will tell you about all you need to know on how to take care for yourself and some danger signs on your health as a woman. This blog is therefore, for all the women out there who wants to boss up and help
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